Marty's Cake

Semalam Cora kasi resepi ni..trus tgk bahan2 sume ada so tu yg tak saba nak rasa kek ni ..da buat n da abes pun..kalo tgk gambo kat bawah ni ada coklat filing kat dlm kek tu saje pandai2 snirik tarok untuk slere snirik..tapi sedapla dapat rasa kek n coklat skaligos...rupe kek yg dah jadi ni ada sipi2 la mcm kat pic atas tu...tak pro sgt kalo pro mgkin sama cantikla mcm kat atas tu...kek ni lebih kurang mcm kek marble...
Oleh sebab kek ni pun namanye in omputih so resepinye pun omputih gak la...malas nak trjemah so cut n paste aje...
Resepi Marty’s Cake
Ingredients :
240 ml freshmilk
240 ml olive oil
400 g white flour
250 g white sugar
5 eggs
2 tablespoons cocoa
3 tablespoons of baking powder
1 tablespoons vanilla extract @ vanilla sugar
Instrustions :
1.Whisk eggs with sugar until the mixture is creamy and light in color.
2.Add milk and oil and continue beating until well blended
3.In a saparate bowl combine flour, vanilla and baking powder.
4.Gradually add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and beat juz until the batter is smooth.
5.Then devide the mixture into 2 equal bowls.
6.In one bowl add 2 tablespoons extra plain flour and mix.
7.In the second add the cocoa mix.
8.Preheat the oven to 180’C. Lightly grease the baking tray with oil.
9.The most important part is assembling the cake mixture in a baking tray. Scoop 3 heaped tablespoons of plain mixture into the middle of the baking tray. Then scoop 3 tablespoons of cocoa mixture and pour it in the center on top of the plain mixture and repeat until all the mixture is used.
10.Bake in oven for 50 minutes.
*Note :
Filling coklat tu plak saya guna milk choc Vocell @ bole je guna coklat apa2 pun. Patah2 kan ikut saiz petak coklat tu n taruk je kat atas adunan kek tadi .coklat tu akan tenggelam sendiri. Selamat mencuba...


  1. seri..bestnya..kek ada coklat filling... tempek le resepi...he.he.he

  2. tu lah...meleleh tengok coklat filling tu...lataklah reseip ...:)

  3. salam..mcm best aje..nanti kalau rajin bolehlah buat..

  4. Qis,Suzi n k.ina.try la wat..mesti nnt lagi cantik corak zebra pada kek tu...
