Terima Kasih Kak Azlina

Ini pemberian dr Kak Azlina.. maafla kak lambat ckit pamerkannya..
I've been tagged by kak azlina to play this wonderful challenge. Here are the rules:
1-- Go to your photo files…Select the 6th photo folder.
2-- Select the 6th photo in that folder.
3-- Post that photo along with the story behind it.
4-- Then challenge 6 blogging friends to do the same! This is the 6th photo in my 6th picture's folder. <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]-->anyway ni la gambarnya yg terkena:
alyssa tengah hepi nek kete nak g jalan n wat memek muke cam tu.. gambar ni diambil pd mac 2009 yg lalu