Oreo Condensed Milk Mini Cheesecake

Oreo cheescake ni sangat sedap rasanya walaupun hanya guna susu pekat manis dalam adunannya..tqvm to wendyinkk sebab share resepi best ni..kite cari-cari resepi oreo cupcake dan jumpe resepi ini, terus cuba dan hasilnya puashati sebab sedap..

yang ni sebagai buahtangan dari kite untuk cousin kite yang jalan-jalan ke kota kinabalu..dah selamat sampai oreo ni ke Singapore sana;).. my aunty pun suke dan terus nak try resepi ni :)

Kite copypaste resepinya dari rumah wendy..

Oreo Condensed Milk Mini Cheesecake ~ wendyinkk

250gm cream cheese
150gm sweetened condensed milk
2 eggs, separated
1 small pinch of cream of tartar
1 Tbsp sugar
1 tube of Oreo (137gm)

*everything be at room temperature when u're ready to start.

1. Separate Oreos, leaving 12 pcs w/o cream intact and round. Put the rest of the biscuits together with the filling into a food processor and pulse til fine.
Remember to preheat ur oven (150C) and boil water after this.
2. Line big muffin tin (100ml capacity each) with 12 paper cups. Place 1 heaped teaspoon of oreo crumbs onto paper cups and smooth out with a teaspoon, lightly press the crumbs to flatten.
3. With a mixer, beat egg whites until frothy, add in cream of tartar continue to beat until soft peaks. Add in sugar and beat til stiff (as long as egg whites don't fall when overturned, it will be fine, no need to be pointy stiff). Set aside, and quickly do the next step.
4 Cream cream cheese on low speed until smooth (a minute or 2), put in condensed milk and egg yolks and continue to beat on low speed for another minute until well combined. Fold in egg whites.
5. Spoon (4) into prepared paper cups. Top with an oreo biscuit or u can break it up and put it where ever u like (middle, top)
6. Bake for 20 minutes in a waterbath.
7. Leave to cool in oven, door ajar. Cool completely before chilling.
8. Best chilled for 3 hours or more before serving.

 oreo kek yang terpenyek tu seri kecik sibuk nak makan tak sempat dah nak sejukkan dulu dalam icebox;)..


  1. salam seri,
    akak tak pernah buat oreo cheescake.
    cikskek tu nampak comel bila letak dalam bekas cupcake...lg senang nak makan...tak yah potong2 lg dah.

  2. sedapnye kak seri!!! mie yg nengok ni pun rasa sayang je nk makan,hehhehe...ni kalau dok dekat umah akak,dh lama dok tercongok kt tingkap dapo nk mintak cheesecake ni,hehheheeh.....

  3. Kak Suzi ~ Wsalam kak, try yg ni msti anak2 akak suke punyer..resepi pon simple je kak..

  4. Mimiey ~ mie kalo sedap cpt je abes tau..tak smpat mie nk ngendeng licin dah;)..

  5. salam kak...wooo...weewiiitt....comeynye ciskek itew...rase nk sambar satu....huhu...nk wat ciskek tp malas...kalo dkat leh wat muke tak malu mintak..kikiki

  6. salam...

    trm ksh sudi singgah ke teratak dyg. kte follow skali. tq

  7. salam kak seri,dah try ciskek ni.tp, apesal norly nye cam lembik jek tang cheese tu??tak lekang pun dr papercup dia..tak comel rupa dia cam k.seri punye, but rasa dia mmg sedap...

  8. menarik ni...mest cuba...follow my blog jugek ea
