Microwave Banana Pudding

Makan puding ni kosong pon ok memang sedap..nak sedap lagi bolehlah tambah aksesori lain- lain mengikut keserasian mulut masing-masing yek..TQ ijan share resepinya..kite cnp ye..

Microwave Banana Pudding Recipe ~ijan finland

Ingredients :
  • 100 gram butter, softened
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 100 gram muscovado sugar (I used normal sugar. It was a bit too sweet for me. I would reduce the amount next time)
  • 100 gram self-raising flour (I used normal flour)
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon (I reduced to 1 tsp)
  • 2 eggs (I replaced with Egg Replacer Powder)
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • icing sugar, toffee sauce, and ice cream to serve, if you like ( I used ready made vanilla cream)
Method :
  1. Put the butter in a 1-litre baking dish and microwave for about 30 secs-1 min until melted.
  2. Add 1 1/2 mashed bananas, sugar, flour, cinnamon, eggs and milk. Mix together well.
  3. Slice the remaining banana over the top, then return to the microwave and cook on High for 8 mins until cooked through and risen.
  4. Serve warm, dusted with icing sugar, if you like, with a drizzle of toffee sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

kite lagilah beli je ais krim batang kat kedai, alaaa ..yang perasa lemon vanilla ;)..aci kan..


  1. Lama tak buat ni... sedap makan dengan sos vanilla dan aiskrim jugak :)

  2. salam seri...kiter suker pudding tuh...ice cream tuh plak feveret kiter...:p~

  3. Haish dah lama KIV recipe ni, tak terbuat je! Mintak sikit kak ;)

  4. Hello Mummyseri, wow! I love this.
    Add ice cream....itu la best!
    Ada lagi? Ha ha.
    You have a nice day, stay young, Lee.

  5. salam seri pekabor..masak ape arini
