Flaky Crust Egg Tarts

Kite sangat suke pada tat telur yang satu ni..memang sedap , resepi ni dah lama kite simpan, ambil dari dapur Rima...asal dari sini..memang best..nak tau rasanya mesti cuba..kite, anak-anak dan kawan-kawan amat suke..kompom memang tak nak  beli tat kedai lagi ;).. dapat  jimat cermat..

Flaky Crust Egg Tarts Recipe
250g plain flour
2 tbsp castor sugar
1 egg yolk
150g cold butter, cubed

150g castor sugar
150ml hot water
250ml milk(1 small pack of milk)
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
3 large eggs
1 egg white (From the same egg where the yolk was used in the crust)

  1. Cream the butter with the egg yolk and sugar.
  2. Add in flour. Mix well. (If the dough is sticky for you , well maybe your yolks are larger than mine, add in extra flour by the teaspoon until it no longer feels sticky, but got a slight flour feel to it, but not too much though, as it will toughen the crust. the borderline of stickiness and dry feel is very thin.. so, add extra flour with caution)
  3. Roll out pastry in between two sheets of plastic into thickness of about 4mm. Stamp out 9–10cm circles of pastry with a pastry cutter.
  4. Lightly press the pastry circles into foil tart cases
  5. Refrigerate the lined foil cases for 2 hours
  6. Melt the sugar in hot water, add milk, salt, vanilla essence. Beat all the eggs lightly and mix in all together.
  7. Sieve egg mixture and pour into the cold tart crust.
  8. Bake at 180C for 25 minutes.

Ada lebihan inti tat, kite bakar dan dua orang kanak-kanak di rumah sangat suke makan intinya tu ;)

***Tat ini agak sukar nak keluarkan dari acuan tat yang berliku tu, elok gunakan acuan bulat biasa, mudah sikit ..memang betol seperti cakap tuan asal resepi :)..
kite simpan dulu dalam icebox, pastu senang ia keluar dari acuan..(ngelat sikit)..
makan sejuk pon sedap makan time panas-panas lepas keluar dari oven lagilah sedap...yang pasti akan ada ulangan resepi tat ni nanti..


  1. wah another egg tart recipe yang boleh dimasuk list..so far belum pernah try buat egg tarts..hehe

  2. Salam mummyseri...
    Ohh sedapnya tat telor...anak2 akak pun suka, tapi mama dia tak penah try buat sendiri...hehe...
    ... leh la akak terai buat sama nih...thx kongsi resepinya.. :)

  3. Salam kak! salam kenal jugak dr kita mekaseh dtg singgah! kita pun dah add jugak link akak :D egg tart mmg sedap! walau kita tak suke telur sgt :D tp dah namanyer tart mmg jd suke hihihi
